So‘z birikmalari 30 ta
Bir joyda qadalib o`tirish
Sitting in one attitude
Bir paqir qaynoq suv quygandek
Stop/halt (dead) in one's tracks
Chaqmoq urganday
Struck dumb
Chaqmoq zarbidek
Like a clap of thunder
Chaqmoqdek chaqmoq
Flash through one's mind like lightning
Small as a mustard seeds; small as a fine needle; small as atoms; small as minced meat; as small as the hoar frost on the ground.
Do`ldek yog`dirmoq
Bombard with
Endigina yoqqan yoz yomg`iri singari birdan to`xtamoq
To stop dead
Harbiy yurishni muvaffaqiyatli amalga oshirgandek
Over the moon; on top of the world
Kamalak ranglaridek
Like rainbow colours
Musht tushurgandek
Hit somebody like a ton of bricks
Olovdek qizarish
Blush crimson; burning flush; flush a deep rosy red; flushing like a sunset
Po`rtanalar, dovul-u bo`ronlar qo`zg`algandek to`lqinlanish
A fresh outburst of emotion
Qaynoq buloq ochilgandek
Stream of joy
Qon tomayotgan yaradek qizil
Blood red
Qor bilan qoplangandek
Qordek erish
Melt like wax before the fire; melt like snow in the sun
Quyosh har kuni Sharqdan chiqishidek
As obvious as the rain coming from the clouds
Quyosh kabi ufqda porlamoq
Shine like gold
Shamoldek beqaror
Willow in the wind
Shamoldek tez
As fast as the wind
Suv va havodek zarur
The breath of life
Suvsiz yashay olmagandek
Man cannot live by bread alone
Suzayotgan oppoq bulutdek
Like a cloud
Tumandek tarqamoq
As if the fog lifted
Tush kabi
Like a dream; as though in a dream
Yashin chaqqani kabi
Hit like a thunderbolt
Yashin tezligida
Like lightning
Yomg`ir kabi
Cry someone a river
Zilol suvdek tiniq
Pure as the driven snow