O‘zb: Suzayotgan oppoq bulutdek
Eng: Like a cloud


Yengillikni his qilish holati


Resembling a cloud in character or movement


Yelkasidan tog‘ ag‘darilganu, boshi uzra suzayotgan oppoq bulutdek vaznini his qilmay qo‘yardi, mana, ho-ozir, shu topning o‘zida osmoni falakka ko‘tarilib parqu bulut yanglig‘ olis-olislarga uchib ketadigandek holatga tushardi…

Manba: Donishmand Sizif, X.Do`stmuhammad


Vitaly takes her hand -- yes, she is still in Vitaly's room, still in bed -- his grip tightening as another time, another place, slips across the room like a cloud passing off the sun. 

Manba: Andy Stewart, Wormwood is Also a Star.

The mark her people had left on the place, on any place, was gone now. It had been wiped clean like a cloud swept off the sky. 

Manba: Ted Kosmatka, The Stone War

Devon doesn't have to push away the thought of his mother anymore--; it just glides from his brain like a cloud, but, as he gets closer to home, the picture of her passed out and snoring clatters into his thinking, reality wrecking his mood. 

Manba: Beliefs, Everything Is Fine