Do`l kabi gapirish yoki boshqa biron harakat qilish
If you bombard someone with something, you make them face a great deal of it.
..yorug‘ dunyoda topilmaydigan haqoratlarni boloxonodor qilib do‘ldek yog‘dirar, odamgarchiligu insongarchilik degan afandimayillar ho‘-o‘ allazamonlarda o‘tib ketgan deya zahrini sochar, jahl chiqqanda aql qayda deganlaridek, yana va yana mushtiga erk berar... Manba: Donishmand Sizif, X.Do`stmuhammad |
Salespeople will be very eager to sell you on a plan, so it's absolutely your right to bombard them with as many questions as you need answered before making such a big financial commitment. Manba: |