O‘zb: Gangib qolmoq
Eng: Be dumbfounded
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Dovdirab qolmoq, Dovdirash, Hayratlanmoq


Hayratdan qotib qolish


Get extremely surprised


Sizif bu haqda zarracha o‘ylab o‘tirmadi, shasht bilan oyoqqa qalqdi, u ko‘z o‘ngida yuz bergan va berayotgan voqealarni anglab yetishga qiynalayotgan, o‘zini qo‘yarga joy topolmay gangib qolayotgan…

Manba: Donishmand Sizif, X.Do`stmuhammad


I was completely dumbfounded when I heard about this planned affront to the Victims of 9/11, and even more so when I actually heard the words uttered by New York politicians, and even residents

Manba: Pat Condell on Ground Zero mosque