O‘zb: Dovdirash
Eng: Bewilderment
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Dovdirab qolmoq, Gangib qolmoq, Tamom dovdirab qolmoq


Hayratlanib esankirab qolish


The state of being bewildered


Hatto dovdirayotgan va xuddi shunday qilsa, aql-hushini o‘nglab oladigandek o‘zidan o‘zi xarsang atrofida dam yugurib, dam ohista yurib gir-gir aylanishga tushdi.

Manba: Donishmand Sizif X.Do`stmuhammad


I remember the terror and bewilderment of childhood; I remember my own hatred of restraint; I remember my dismay at the failure of adults to overcome their own cowardice and live in the moment where we children were happily living in glorious anarchy and delight. 

Manba: This has to be the most inane 'advice' I have ever seen in an advice