O‘zb: Soxtalik
Eng: Falsity
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Qalbakilik, Soxta, Soxta mardlik, Soxta qo`rslik, Yasamalik


Qalbakilik, rost bo'lmaslik


The fact of being untrue, incorrect, or insincere.


Mavluddan uning ruhi xabardormidi yoki kelganlarga Xayriyaxonim uchun o‘qiyapman deyishi soxtalik bo‘ldimi? 

Manba: Ahmad Lutfiy Qozonchi, O‘gay ona


And is that the use you make of your Bible? And did
you find no passages tending to prove the danger and the falsity or such a belief? 

Manba: Anna Bronte, The Tennant of Wildfell Hall