O‘zb: Soxta
Eng: False / Fake
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Qalbaki, Soxta mehr, Soxtakor, Soxtalik, Yasama


Yolg'on, rost bo'lmagan


Not genuine; imitation or counterfeit.


Mana ishonish mumkin bo‘lmagan ikki xulosa: Yo bu xabar xato bo‘lishi kerak yoki shuncha yillik o‘gaylik davrida o‘zni o‘gaydan ayirgan, soxta va yasama harakatlar topilishi darkor. 

Manba: Ahmad Lutfiy Qozonchi, O‘gay ona


He was wearing a fake mustache.

Manba: www.merriam-webster.com

If you torment me in this way any more, I must conclude that your protestations are entirely false, and that you hate me in your heart as fervently as you profess to love me!

Manba: Anna Bronte, The Tennant of Wildfell Hall