O‘zb: Chang
Eng: Hammered dulcimer
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Qonun


Koʻp torli tirnama cholgʻu asbobi, qutisimon trapetsiya yoki yoy shaklidagi, sim torlar tortilgan, tirnama yoki qo`shcho`p bilan urib chalinadigan jarangdor cholg`u asbobi.


Percussion-stringed instrument which consists of strings typically stretched over a trapezoidal resonant sound board (also called the hammer dulcimerdulcimer, or tympanon


O‘zbek xalq ijrochilik amaliyotida saqlanib, qo'llanib kelinayotgan cholg'ulardan
chang, qo‘biz, sibizg'i shular jumlasidandir.

Manba: S.Begmatov, M.Matyoqubov, O‘zbek an’anaviy cholg‘ulari

An’anaviy ijrochilik ansablida sozlar uyg’unligiga erishish muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi. Chunki, g’ijjak, doira, chang, rubob, tanbur, qo’shnay, dutor, nay, ud sozlari ansambil uyg’unligidagi ijroda bir maqsadni ifodalovchi hamda bu jarayonga alohida ulush qo’shish bilan xarakterlanadi.  

Manba: O.Xolmirzayev, Ansambl ijrochiligi o’quv uslubiy qo’llanma


Achieving harmony in musical instruments is important in a traditional performance ensemble. This is because the instruments like ghijak, dayereh, hammered dulcimer, rubab, tanbur, koshnay, dutar, ney, oud are characterized by the fact that they represent a single purpose in the performance of the ensemble and make a special contribution to the process.

Manba: O.Kholmirzaev Ensemble Acting Textbook

Achieving harmony in musical instruments is important in a traditional performance ensemble. This is because the instruments like ghijak, dayereh, hammered dulcimer, rubab, tanbur, koshnay, dutar, ney, oud are characterized by the fact that they represent a single purpose in the performance of the ensemble and make a special contribution to the process.

Manba: O.Kholmirzaev Ensemble Acting Textbook