O‘zb: Qonun
Eng: Qanun
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Chang


O`rta va Yaqin Sharq xalqlari orasida keng tarqalgan, changga o`xshash, qadimiy torli-tirnama cholg`u asbobi


String instrument played either solo, or more often as part of an ensemble, in much of the Middle East.


Forobiyning fikricha qonun
eramizning birinchi asrlarida Samarqand aholisi
о’rtasida juda mashhur bо’lgan.

Manba: E.Xolmirzayev, Ansambl ijrochiligi

Xo`ja Abdullo ajoyib qonun chalardi, she`r aytardi. 

Manba: Oybek, Navoiy

Ularda, torli cholg‘ulardan: borbad, ud,
rud, qo'buz, g'ijjak, navha, nuzxa, qonun, chang, rubob,
tanbur, dutor;… kabilar
haqida turli darajadagi ma’lumotlar keltirilgan

Manba: S.Begmatov, M.Matyoqubov, O‘zbek an’anaviy cholg‘ulari


They contain various levels of information about stringed instruments: the borbad, the ud, the rud, the kobuz, the gijjak, the navha, the nuzha, the qanun, the chang, the rubob, the tanbur, the dutor; 

Manba: S. Begmatov, M. Matyokubov, Uzbek traditional instruments

Qanun is a very old instrument. According to Farobi, kanun was very popular among the people of Samarkand in the first centuriesAD.

Manba: O.E.Kholmirzayev, Ensemble acting

Hodja Abdullah played the qanun very well and recited poems.

Manba: Oybek, Navoi