Mosh bilan guruchdan tayyorlanadigan suyuq taom, ushbu suyuq osh Toshkentda mehmon dasturxoniga qo'yiladigan taomlardan eng mashhuri hisoblanadi.
Thick soup of beef, mung bean, rice, diced potato and carrot
Anchadan keyin ikki kosa moshxo‘rda suzib keldi. Manba: O‘tkir Hoshimov, Ikki eshik orasi |
Men bo‘lsam, har xil xashaki ovqatlarga o‘rganib qolganim uchun moshxo‘rda mening qornimda o‘z uyida yotganday edi. Manba: G’afur G’ulom, Shum bola |
Namozgar-namozshom o'rtasi uyga qaytib atalami, umochmi, moshxo‘rdami, ugra oshimi apir-shapir ichib, yana ko‘chaga chopar edik. Manba: G’afur G’ulom, Shum bola |
After a while, she came in with two bowls of moshkhurda. Manba: Utkir Hoshimov, Between Two Doors |
In the evenings, we would return home and eat atala or moshkhurda or ugra oshi hurriedly and run out into the street again. Manba: Gafur Gulam, A Naughty Boy |
As I was used to all kind of usual dishes, moshkhorda was lying in my stomach as if it was at home. Manba: Gafur Gulam, A Naughty Boy |