O‘zb: Mastava
Eng: Mastawa
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Moshxo'rda


o’zbek milliy taomlaridan biri; guruch, go’sht va sabzavotlardan pishiriladigan suyuq osh; 


Thick soup of beef or mutton, rice and diced vegetables.


Bir mahal mastava pishdi, deb chaqirib qoldilar. 

Manba: O’tkir Hoshimov, Ikki eshik orasi

Qizchaning ovozi bilan birga, ko’k solib qatiqlangan mastavaning hidi keldi.


Manba: Asqad Muxtor, Opa-singillar


Along with the girl’s voice came a smell of mastawa with greens and sour milk.


Manba: Askad Muxtor, Sisters

After a while, they said that mastava was ready and called us to have meal.

Manba: Utkir Hoshimov, Between two doors