O‘zb: Oq o`rar
Eng: Oqlik ceremony
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Non sindirish


Qiz bilan yigitni unashtirishga rozilik belgisi marosimi.


This ceremony is performed after breaking bread. Usually, the ceremony is attended by the closest and most sacred relatives, and acquittal is given as a sign of the parties to the marriage.


O`tgan yili qizini uzatgan toshkendlik Gulsanam opaning aytishicha, urf-odatga ko`ra, dastlab “oq o`rar” marosimi bo`ladi.

Manba: T.Alimov, Sovg`a

Ikki yoshning turmush qurayotganning belgisi bo`lgan to`y marosimi o`tkazib kelindi, poytaxtning o`zida to`yga qadar “sovg`a berish”, “oq o`rar” bo`lib o`tdi.

Manba: K. Yashin, Marosim


A present-giving and oqlik ceremonies were held in the capital city, which is a sign of marriage of two young people.

Manba: K. Yashin, Ceremony

Gulsanam sister from Tashkent who made a wedding of her daughter last year said that according to the tradition, oqlik ceremony will take place first.

Manba: T. Alimov, The Gift