O‘zb: Non sindirish
Eng: Breaking bread
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Oq o`rar


Otaning sovchi yuborgan oilaga qizini uzatishga rozi ekanligini bildiradigan marosim


An important part of marriage and engagement ceremonies. When a groom proposes, he brings bread to the home of his intended, and the breaking bread between the families symbolizes a bond that cannot be broken.


 Sarvi xola o`g`lini xijolatdan qutqarmoqchi, azobdan xalos etmoqchi, Malohatnikiga non sindirishga bormoqchi bo`ldi, ammo azador uyga qanday boradi?!

Manba: Said Ahmad, Yulduz

“Sen sovchi bo`lgansan, non sindirgansan”, - deb menga guvlab yopishib qolib, ko`z ochirmay qo`yadi.

Manba: Abduqayum Yo`ldoshev, To`y

 Oyim hech qaysi sovchining dilini og`ritmas, ammo sovchilar tugib kelgan nonni sindirishga ham yo`l qo`ymasdi

Manba: O`tkir Hoshimov, Dunyoning ishlari


Aunt Sarvi tried to save her son from embarrassment, from suffering, and wanted to go to Malohat's to break the bread, but how can she go to the mourning family?!

Manba: Said Ahmad, The Star

My mother did not make any of the matchmakers upset, but she also did not allow them to break the bread.

Manba: Utkir Hoshimov, Earthly affairs

“You were a matchmaker, you broke the bread,” he will say and blame me

Manba: Abduqayum Yuldashev, The wedding