O‘zb: Qor bosgan tog`
Eng: Snow–capped mountain
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Oppoq tog`, Qorli tog`


Juda ko`p qor yog`ib o`tgan tog`


A mountain covered with snow


Shu yil bahorda o‘tovda eshitga bir hikoyam yodimga tushdi, anavi, qor bosgan tog‘ bag‘irlarida ham mana shunaqangi «qat»dan o‘tgan so‘qmoqlar ko‘p bo‘lar ekan.

Manba: Sh. Xolmirzayev, Saylanma


The city stood in the midst of a great plain and often at sundown from the wall you could see in the distance the snow–capped mountains, the mountains of Tibet 

Manba: Somerset Maugham, Sixty-five short stories