O‘zb: Peshonabog`
Eng: Peshonabog
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Ro`mol


1. Peshonaband Ayollar boshiga, peshonasiga bog'laydigan, tang'ib o'raydigan kichkina ro'mol.

2. Ro'mol ustidan peshonaga bog'lanadigan, kashta bilan bezatilgan bog'ich


A small scarf that is tied around the head and forehead of women; An embroidered tie that is attached to the forehead over the headscarf


Xolaning peshonabog`i ostidan oq kulrang sochlari chiqib turar, ko`z atrofi, bo`ynida ajinlar quyuqlashganday edi.


Manba: S. Nurov, Maysalarni ayoz urmaydi


The aunt's gray hair was sticking out from under her peshonabog', and wrinkles around her eyes and her neck were getting deep.

Manba: S. Nurov, The cold does not damage the grass