Harbiy unvon; o’n kishidan iborat eng kichik harbiy bo’linma boshlig’i
Military rank; chief of the smallest military unit of ten men
Yana buyurdimki, o’nboshi yuzboshining tasdig’i bilan ulufa olsinlar. Manba: I. Boymirzayev, Temur tuzuklari |
Ikki soqchi uzun nayzalarini ularga to‘g‘riladilar: — Farmoyishni avval o‘nboshiga ko‘rsatmoq kerak!— dedi xirilloq soqchi. Manba: Pirimqul Qodirov, Yulduzli tunlar |
I also ordered that the unboshi, with the approval of the yuzboshi, takes the money. Manba: I.Boymirzayev, The Code of Temur |
The two guards pointed their long spears at them: “The order must first be shown to the unboshi,” said the guard with a hoarse voice. Manba: Pirimqul Kadyrov, Starry Nights |