O‘zb: Yuzboshi
Eng: Yuzboshi
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Mingboshi, O`nboshi


O’rta Osiyo xonliklarida (18-19 asrlarda) yuzta otliq askarga qo’mondonlik qiluvchi harbiy boshliq; qishloq yoki mahalla oqsoqoli


In the Central Asian khanates (in the 18th and 19th centuries), a military commander in command of a hundred cavalry; a village or neighborhood elder


Hoy Husaynbek, darbozabonlarga yugir, hozir tursinlar! G‘anibek yuzboshi, siz yigitlaringizni

tartiblangiz! Yasovulboshi, hozir bo‘lingiz!

Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, O`tkan kunlar

Qo’rg’on begiga kimxob to’n, yuz, yuzboshilarg’a atlas chopon, boshqa yigitlarga uch tangadan pul in’om berilsin.

Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, O`tkan kunlar

Barzangiday qop-qora o‘rta yashar yuzboshi kumush sopli qilichini qinidan imillabroq sug‘urdi.

Manba: Pirimqul Qodirov, Yulduzli tunlar


Give a gilded robe to the commander of the fortress. Silk robes to the yuzboshis, three silver tenga for soldiers with meritorious service.

Manba: Abdulla Kadiriy, Bygone days

Husseinbek, hurry to the gatekeepers, tell them to prepare themselves! Ganibek yuzboshi, put your soldiers in order! Sergeant of the guards, assemble your men!

Manba: Abdulla Kadiriy, Bygone Days

The dark-skinned, middle-aged yuzboshi drew his silver-edged sword from its scabbard.

Manba: Pirimkul Kadirov, Starry Nights