O‘zb: Olayib qarash
Eng: To frown upon
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Xo`mrayib turish


Ko`zlarini chaqchaytirib qarash


form an expression of disapproval, displeasure, or concentration


Axir to‘g‘ri-da, bir tomon to‘qlar-u ikkinchi tomon ochlar bo‘lsa, jamiyatda ishonchli muvozanat bo‘lmaydi, och to‘qning qo‘lidagi nonga olayib qaraydi, payt poylab esa uni yulib qochishga tirishadi.

Manba: Gazetadan


To many he would have seemed an eligible suitor; but madame frowned upon his presence in the house, and lectured the professor at times on his allowing such a wolf to prowl around their lamb.


Manba: Arthur Conan Doyle, The Sign Of The Four