O‘zb: Xo`mrayib turish
Eng: To frown
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: O`qrayib qo`yish, Olayib qarash


Jahl bilan qovog`ini solib turish


To contract the brow in displeasure or concentration


Xo‘mrayib turishidan, janjal chiqquday bo‘lsa, tikuvchining yonini olishi aniq edi.

Manba: Rashod Nuri Guntekin, Choliqushi


Much thought had furrowed his forehead and contracted his heavy eyebrows, so that he appeared to wear a perpetual frown, which often misled people as to his character, for though austere he was tender-hearted.


Manba: Arthur Conan Doyle, The Sign Of The Four