O’rta asrlarda qalin va baland mudofaa devori bilan o’rab qurilgan, asosan, bir darvozali shahar -qal’a ma’nosini ifodalagan. Hozirgi adabiy tilimizda esa, dala joyda va umuman shahardan tashqarida atrofi devor bilan o’ralgan hovli-joy va uning ichidagi binolarni ifodalash holatlari ham mavjud
Instruction built in the Middle Ages with a thick and high defensive wall, basically meaning a single-gate city-fortress. In our modern literary language, however, it can also mean a walled courtyard and the buildings inside it.
Siz omon bo‘lib osoyish o‘ltirsangiz, qipchoqqa yo‘l bermaymiz, taqsir! Qo‘rg‘on tuzatishka fotiha beringiz, taqsir! Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, O`tkan kunlar |
To‘rt yuz adimlab borilg‘ach, qo‘rg‘onning sharqi-janubi burjiga yetilib, bu burjini ham anovisidek qorovulsiz topiladir. Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, O‘tkan kunlar |
From here I think we will continue farther south along an empty stretch of the fortifications as we take another four hundred paces, moving along the southeast edge of the ramparts to yet another unfortified tower. Manba: Abdulla Qadiriy, Bygone Days |
As long as you are safe and at peace, we will not give way to the Qipchaqs. Bless us in the restoration of the fortresses, our master. Manba: Abdulla Qadiriy, Bygone Days |