O‘zb: Qulog`i ding
Eng: Sharp-pricked ear


Biror sharpa, tovush yoki gapni eshitib hushyor tortadigan, biror narsa payidan bo’lib turgan kishi yoki hayvonning holati haqida


Ears that are sharp and alert


Uni o‘rab turgan zulmatda o‘zi kabi to-

vush chiqarmas, qulog‘i ding, tuyg‘un ongli mavjudotlar

izg‘ib yurganiga amin edi.

Manba: Jek London, Muhabbat va matonat


His braced fore paws dislodged a pebble, and with sharp-pricked ears and peering eyes he watched the fall of the pebble till it struck at their feet. Then he transferred his gaze and with open mouth laughed down.

Manba: Jack London, Love of Life And Other Stories