Tok, qovoq va shu kabilarni chirmashuvchi o'simliklarni o'stirish, ko'tarib qo'yish uchun shiypon shaklida, tik yoki qiya qilib ko'tarilgan moslama, qurilma; narsa qo'yish, yoyish uchun qurilgan, to'rt oyoqqa o'rnatilgan taxta supa; katta taxta karavot
A device that rises vertically or obliquely in the form of a shed for growing, lifting vines, squash, etc; a wooden platform set up on four legs to put things on; large wooden bed outside of the courtyard where people sit or sleep in hot weather
U chidayolmadi: so‘richadan turib kelib, uy darpardalaridan birining takkinasiga o‘tirdi. Manba: Cho'lpon, Kecha va kunduz |
Miryoqub esa «qah-qah» solib kuldi, yerga tushgan gazetni engashib yerdan oldida, qoqib, ko‘ziga surtgach, to‘rt buklab cho‘ntagiga soldi, so‘ngra tezgina mingbo-shining qo‘ltig‘iga kirib, apil-tapil uni so‘richaga keltirib o‘tqazdi. Manba: Cho'lpon, Kecha va kunduz |
She could no longer stand it: she got up from the platform and sat down by the window of her father s room. Manba: Chulpon, Night and Day |
Miryoqub only laughed, picked the newspaper up from the ground, dusted it off, folded it, and put it in his pocket. Then he took mingboshi by the arm and guided him to the courtyard platform. Manba: Chulpon, Night and Day |