O‘zb: Supa
Eng: Supa / Courtyard platform
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: So`ri


Oʻrta Osiyo monumental meʼmorligida binolar bilan oʻralgan hovli oʻrtasiga yoki chetiga (bino devoriga tutashtirib) ishlangan sahn. Hovli yuzasidan baland, usti ochiq yoki yopiq (ayvonga oʻxshash) boʻladi. Supa bogʻning sermanzara, soyasalqin joyida, daraxtzor tagida, hovuz yoki ariq yonida yarim doira, murabba, toʻgʻri toʻrtburchak tarxli qilib, loy va gʻishtdan, togʻli hududlarda toshdan quriladi. Supadan yerda dam olib oʻtirish, yotish uchun foydalaniladi. Karavot, soʻri, chorpoya vazifasini ham oʻtaydi.


In Central Asian monumental architecture, a stage is placed in the middle or on the edge of a courtyard surrounded by buildings (attached to the walls of a building). It is high above the yard, open or covered (porch-like). The supa is built of mud and brick in a semi-circle, square, rectangular area in a shady part of the garden, under a tree, near a pool or ditch, and in stone in mountainous areas. It is used as a courtyard bed for sitting and lying down outdoors.


Muloyim qo‘llarda ivib, suvga aylangandan keyin go‘zal ko‘zlarning supasida yonboshlashni muncha yaxshi ko‘rar ekan bu ko‘kat!

Manba: Cho'lpon, Kecha va kunduz

O’rta yoshlardagi bir xotin sariq luchchak shaftoli terayotgan ekan, bizni ko’rib shotidan tushdi, so’rashdi, yelibyugurib supaga joy qildi, dasturxon yozdi.

Manba: Abdulla Qahhor, Dahshat


Oh, how that green o f spring, which not long ago emerged from wintry ice that melts in warm hands, so loves to lie on the courtyard platform of the eyes.

Manba: Chulpon, Night and Day

A middle-aged woman was picking yellow peaches, and when she saw us, she came down the stairs, greeted us and ran to the supa to spread the tablecloth.

Manba: A.Qahhor, Horror