O‘zb: Kambarg
Eng: Thin foliage
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Yaproqsiz


Barglari zich bo’lmagan, kam bargli


Foliage having little thicknes


Ular kambarg, beozorgina bo`lib, nihoyatda kam joyni egallar, ertalab ochilib,

m|sliom chog‘i so‘lib qolar edi.

Manba: Kichkina shahzoda, Antuan de Sent-Ekzyuperi


The quick eyes of the Mohicans caught the dark line of his lower limbs incautiously exposed through the thin foliage, a few inches from the trunk of the tree.


Manba: The Last of the Mohicans, James Fenimore Cooper