O‘zb: Xushmuomalalik
Eng: Civility, politeness
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Boadab, Shirinsuxan


Birovga yaxshi muomalada bo'lish


Formal politeness and courtesy in behaviour or speech.


Rixsivoy akaning xushmuomalalik odati hamsuhbatiga qattiq gapirishga imkon bermadi.

Manba: “Cho'lga bahor keldi” R. Fayziy


The insolent civility of a proud man is, if possible, more shocking than his rudeness could be.

Manba: Chesterfield

When at last Volgarinov had received him with exaggerated politeness and unmistakable triumph at his humiliation, and had all but refused the favor asked of him, Stepan Arkadyevitch had made haste to forget it all as soon as possible.

Manba: Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina