O‘zb: Boadab
Eng: Well-bred, well-mannered, well-behaved
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Odobli, Xushmuomalalik


Xulq-odobi yaxshi, tarbiya ko'rgan, odobli


Well-mannered and refined because of a good upbringing and education


Bunday tuyg'un, bunday ziyrak, bunday boadab qiz yetti iqlimda ham topilmaydi.


Manba: “Tanlangan asarlar” Oybek.


The few people I did have a chance to meet seemed to be very nice - intelligent, enthusiastic, well-groomed and well-mannered

Manba: David Gerrold, The Thing on the Shelf

Betty Lyon was attractive, well-bred, well-educated, somewhat older than Fenton, and married to a husband in the service whom she was seeking to divorce. 

Manba: Scott Donaldson, Bomber Boy