O‘zb: Vahm to`la qahqaha
Eng: Wintry smile
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Qahqaha


Qo`rquv  ostida kulish


 A suggestive or characteristic of winter smile


Boshning vahm to‘la qahqahasi qanday

kutilmaganda boshlangan bo‘lsa, shunday tezlikda tindi va jarangdor

ovozda dedi: “Qancha harakat qilmagin, men baribir sendan balanddaman,

ha-ha-ha...”, — u yana gulduros qahqahasini boshladi.

Manba: Ulug‘bek Hamdam, Muvozanat


" Well 1" returned he, with a rather wintry smile " I'm

glad you have overcome or forgotten your own afflictions, so

far as to be able to study so deeply the affairs of others, and…

Manba: The Tennant of Wildfell Hall Anna Bronte