Xaxolab kulish, qattiq kulgi
The sound of laughing, produced by air so expelled
Avvaliga u qahqaha o‘z ichimda, deya o‘yladi va xayolidan “Aqldan ozib qolmasaydim” degan tashvishli o‘y kechdi. Qah-qaha yana takrorlangach esa, uning tashqarida ekanini Manba: Ulug‘bek Hamdam, Muvozanat |
Here I sat down to think over the virtues and wrongs of the lady of Wildfell Hall ; but I had not been so occupied two minutes, before voices and laughter, and glimpses of moving objects through the trees, informed me that the whole company had turned out to take an airing in the garden too. Manba: The Tennant of Wildfell Hall Anna Bronte |