O‘zb: G`amgin bulut
Eng: Gloomy / grey cloud
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Og`ir bulut


Yomg’ir yog’ishidan oldingi bulut, ya’ni qora bulut, ko`proq ma'joziy manoda ishlatiladi


The clouds which are expected to bring rain.


“Yoki g’amgin bulutlarga botsa quyosh-nur,

Bilki, erta uyg’otadi qizlarni yomg’ir,   

Yo urilar darchaga do’l: tongda qishloqi...

Manba: Pushkin, Alomatlar


But Mrs. Davidson had given two or three of her birdlike glances at heavy grey clouds that came floating over the mouth of the harbour.


Manba: Somerset Maugham, Rain

On the beach one afternoon, gloomy clouds turned day into night and dumped rain like they were punishing us.

Manba: Elizabeth Flock, Sleepwalking in daylight