O‘zb: Munchoq
Eng: Bead
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Ko`zmunchoq, Marjon


Ziynat uchun ipga tizilib bo’yinga, qo’lga taqiladigan dumaloq donachalar


A small piece of glass, stone, or similar material that is threaded with others to make a necklace or rosary or sewn on to fabric.


Boyoqish erinmasdan bozor aylanib, suratiga rom qildirish uchun qiziga arzon atlas, baxmal, ipak, rangli munchoqlar sotib olib berardi.


Manba: Rashod Nuri Guntekin, Choliqushi

Bir qismini xachirlarga taqiladigan munchoqlar bilan aralashtirib ipga tizdim, yovvoyi odamlarnikiga o‘xshagan shoda munchoq yasab, bo‘ynimga ilib oldim.

Manba: Rashod Nuri Guntekin, Choliqushi


The poor man used to buy cheap satin, velvet, silk, and coloured beads for his daughter to frame the picture.


Manba: Resat Nuri Guntekin, The Wren

I mixed some of them with beads used to put on mules, tied them on a string, made a bead similar to the one worn by wild people and wore them around my neck.

Manba: Resat Nuri Guntekin, The Wren