O‘zb: Ko`zmunchoq
Eng: Eyeglass bead
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Munchoq


Ko’z tegmasligi uchun taqib qo’yiladigan munchoq (odatda bolalarning qo’l va bo’yinlariga)


An eyeglass bead worn to protect from the evil eye (usually on the hands or necks of children)  


U qaynanasi bilan totuv tursa kerak, qaynanasi uning bo‘yniga tumorlar osib tashlagan, nimchasida ham, ko‘ylak yoqasida ham ko‘zmunchoq yaltirab turardi.

Manba: Said Ahmad, Ufq

Bu zamonda qizlar barcha narsalardan kechib ko’zmunchoq taqarmidilar?!

Manba: A.Muxtor, Opa-singillar


She must get along with her mother-in-law well. She put on amulets around the bride’s neck and glittering eyeglass beads on both her vest and the collar of her clothes.

Manba: Said Ahmad, Horizon

Would the girls of our time give up everything and wear eyeglass beads?!

Manba: Asqad Mukhtor, Sisters