O‘zb: Aholi sonining o`zgarishi
Eng: Population change
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Aholi soni, Aholining o`sish sur'ati


Aholi soning turli omillar natijasida ko`payishi yoki kamayib borishi


The difference in the size of a population between the end and the beginning of a given time period 


Ma’lumki, aholi zichligining o ‘zgarib borishi asosan aholi sonining o'zgarishi

bilan bog‘liq.

Manba: "Tarixiy geografiya" Zokirjon Saidboboyev


This structural population change has provoked a real concern about its fiscal consequences and impact on the efficiency of economies (especially with regard to labour markets). 

Manba: Filip Chybalski, Intergenerational fairness from an economic perspective: Overview of some theoretical and methodological issues