Aholining yil sayin ko`payib boorish darajalari
The rate at which the number of individuals in a population increases in a given time period, expressed as a fraction of the initial population.
Respublika aholisi o‘sish sur’atlarining boshqa mintaqalarga nisbatan muttasil tarzda ildamroq borishi MDH davlatlari aholisining umumiy sonida respublikamiz salmog‘i muntazam ravishda ortib borayotganida yaqqol ko'rinmoqda. Manba: "Tarixiy geografiya" Zokirjon Saidboboyev |
Like many countries, Iran is concerned that its low population growth rate, estimated at 1 percent by the United Nations in 2011, will foster an aging population with potentially disastrous consequences for its workforce, public health infrastructure and social security network. Manba: Peak Oil, Iran aims for baby boom, but are Iranians in the mood? |