Yoz (issiq) vaqtlarida ustdan kiyiladigan, yalang qavat, yoqa va yengli, erkaklarniki beldan pastroqqacha, ayollarniki esa etagi uzun bo'ladigan kiyim (sovuq vaqtlarda jemper, kostyum kabilarning ostidan kiyiladi)
A piece of clothing that covers the body and part or all of the legs.
Xotin o‘ltirmakchi bo‘lg‘an edi paranji ichidan uning atlas ko‘ylaklari va nafis oq qo‘llari ko‘rinib ketdi. Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, O'tkan kunlar |
Oy tuynukdan tubanroqda, bu kun bo‘lmasa erta - chimmati qo‘lida, paranjisi ustida, sarig‘mi, qorami atlas ko‘ylagi egnida darbozadan kirib kelgandek va o‘pkalangandek... Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, O'tkan kunlar |
As she sat down, the lady's silk dress and delicate white hands could be glimpsed underneath the paranji. Manba: Abdulla Qadiriy, Bygone days |
It seemed to him like the moon, peeping from behind the rooftops, the one and only, would enter through the gates any day now, wearing a yellow or black silk dress with a paranjee covering her body, a chimmat in her hand, and a silent reproof in her eyes. Manba: Abdulla Qadiriy, Bygone days |