O‘zb: Quruq suyak
Eng: Bony
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Arvoq, Oriq, Ozg`in


Ozg’inligidan suyaklari bortib turadigan tana shakli


So thin that the bones can be seen.


Ertaga biz olganimizdan keyin etlarimiz yo’qolib, tanamiz quruq suyakka aylanib qoladi.

Manba: Rashod Nuri Guntekin, Choliqushi


Then he caught sight of a long, bony, familiar figure, and now it seemed there was no possibility of mistake; and yet he still went on hoping that this tall man taking off his fur cloak and coughing was not his brother Nikolay.

Manba: Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina