O‘zb: Yaproqlar qo`shig`i
Eng: Whisper of leaves
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Yaproqlar shiviri


Ko’chma ma’noda yaproqlarning shamol ta’sirida kuydek eshitilish 


A soft sound of leaves moving in the wind


Unga saryog‘ surtilgan

yumshoq non qanday darkor bo‘lsa, yaproqlar qo‘shig‘i, uni tushunib, his

qilish, yurak qoni bitilgan ikki qator she’r ham shunchalik zarur.

Manba: Ulug‘bek Hamdam, Muvozanat


She felt warmth touch her cheek, tasted the sweet scent of flowers, and heard the whisper of leaves playing in the breeze. 

Manba: William C. Dietz, Drifter