O‘zb: Ochiqchasiga hayratlanmoq
Eng: Don't hide one's surprise
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Hayrat ifodasi, Hayratlanmoq, Rosmana hayratga solmoq


Hayratini namoyish qilish


Show one's surprise


― Qara-ya! - ochiqchasiga hayratlandi meni ahmoq deb o’ylagan Emmett. ―Uning farosati joyida!

Manba: Zulmat ostonasidagi muhabbat, Stefeni Meyer


My concentration snapped when the fire alarm went off. What in the world... Mr. Rossi did not hide his surprise. " This is unscheduled. Everybody leave your test on your desk face down and file out of the building. "

Manba: A Test of Honor. Jennifer Cotturone