Har joyda yoyilib yotuvchi bulut
Clouds without a definite shape
“Bizning galalarimiz yuraklari orqaga tortib, sarosimaga tushib, gangib qoldi, osmonda qiy-chuv boshlandi, saflarimiz buzilib ketdi va hammamiz vahimaga tushib betartib bulutlar kabi bir joyda aylanib ucha boshladik” Manba: Chingiz Aytmatov, O`tar qush nolasi |
And then my mind made its first earnest effort to comprehend what had been infused into it concerning heaven and hell; and for the first time it recoiled, baffled; and for the first time glancing behind, on each side, and before it, it saw all round an unfathomed gulf: it felt the one point where it stood – the present; all the rest was formless cloud and vacant depth; and it shuddered at the thought of tottering, and plunging amid that chaos. Manba: Jane Eyre. Bronte, Charlotte. |