Matoga turli rangli iplar yordamida naqsh berish hunari, san’ati
A handicraftsman who decorates fabric using a needle and thread
Bu kashtado’zdan katta mahorat va did talab qiladi. Kashtada foydalaniladigan iplar rangining o`zaro muvofiqligi ham kashtaning jozibador chiqishiga sabab bo`ladi. Manba: Gazlama va ip tanlash |
Tajribali usta kashtado'z dizayner o'z kasbining barcha muammolarini biladi va tartibni ishlab chiqishda tuvalning xususiyatlarini hisobga oladi. Manba: Mashina kashtado'zlik dizaynini yaratish. |
Ish tezligi ushbu materialdagi tolalarning maxsus tartibga solinishi bilan belgilanadi - ular kashtado'z ustaning harakatlanishiga yordam beradigan kichik teshiklarni hosil qilib, bir-birlari bilan kesishadi. Manba: Igna qutilari bichilgan naqshli naqshlar. Miniatyurali pechene yostiqchalari - g'ayrioddiy kashtado'zlar uchun sevimli mashg'ulot |
The speed of work is determined by the special arrangement of the fibers in this material - they intersect with each other, creating small holes that help the embroiderer sew. Manba: Embroidery |
This requires great skill and esthetic taste from the embroiderer. The combination of the colors of the threads used in embroidery also makes the work more attractive. Manba: Fabric and yarn selection |
An experienced master embroiderer-designer knows all the nuances of his profession and takes into account the characteristics of the canvas in the development of the layout. Manba: Design for machine embroidery |