Musulmon davlatlarida hukmdor tomonidan tayinlanib, shariat asosida sud vazifasini bajaruv-chi, sudya, sharʼiy mahkama raisi
Judge appointed by the ruler in Muslim countries, acting as a judge on the basis of Sharia, the chairman of the Sharia court.
Qiznikida hamma tajammulni tayyorlab, Komilbekning otasidan tortib nikoh qila-turg‘an qoziyu quzzotlarg‘acha kuyavni kutib o‘lturar ekanlar. Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, O`tkan kunlar |
Katta-katta qozilar, boylar, obro‘lik odamlar shu Obrezqora bilan olishib... yer bilan yakson bo‘lishgan! Manba: Cho`lpon, Kecha va Kunduz |
Shahobiddin domlaga ko‘rsatib edim, Umarxon zamonida qozi bo‘lib o‘tgan Ado degan bir shoirning bayti, o‘z qo‘li bilan yozilgan, deydi. Manba: Cho`lpon, Kecha va Kunduz |
I showed it to master Shahobiddin, the learnedman, who said that the calligraphy belongs to a poet called Ado, who served as a judge under Umarxon. Manba: Chulpan, Night and Day |
Judges, landowners, and other respected leaders all fought with him, and they always lost! Manba: Chulpan, Night and Day |
Everyone in the bride’s household was ready for the celebrations and the guests had arrived. Kamilbek’s father, the Qadi, and his staff hired to perform the ceremony, were waiting for the groom. Manba: Abdulla Qadiriy, Bygone Days |