Nikohning ertasi kuni ko`rmana bilan kelinning yuzini ko`rish marosimi
A part of the wedding ceremony, when people gather to give their gifts to the bride the day after the wedding
Bir kuni shunday bahonalardan biri bo`ldi - Soraxonni yuz ko`rishtirish marosimi Manba: Abdulla Qahhor, Sarob |
Marosim oxirida qarindoshlar yuz ko`rarga kirib, sovg`alar berib, beshik ustiga shirinliklar sochib, bolaga, oilaga baxt tilaydilar. Manba: “Milliy urf-odatlar” nomli maqola |
One day such an excuse happened –face-opening ceremony of Sorakhon Manba: Abdulla Qahhor, Mirage |
At the end of the ceremony, relatives visit the face-opening ceremony, give their gifts, throw sweets over the cradle and wish happiness to the child and family, as well. Manba: Article “National customs and rituals” |