O‘zb: Ishonchsiz qaramoq
Eng: To look distrustfully


Shubha bilan, gumon bilan qarmoq


To look at in a distrustful manner


Lekin Otabek bu qarshi olinishlarg‘a juda ishonchsiz qarar, bu kun bo‘lmasa ertaga «ota-ona orzusi» bilan bu siylanishlarni birdan o‘zgarib ketmagiga imon kelturib, qaysi yo‘sunda o‘lturib olg‘anini ham payqamas edi.

Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, O`tkan kunlar


...and his large, clear, blue eyes, though prematurely serious at times, were utterly dissimilar to the shy hazel eyes of Mr. Lawrence, whence the sensitive soul looked so distrustfully forth, as ever ready to retire within, from the offences of a too rude, too uncongenial world.

Manba: The Tennant Of Wildfell Hall Anna Bronte