Kelishmovchilik yoki anglashilmovchilik orqasida yuzaga kelgan janjal, g’avg’o, mojaro
An action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage; rumour or malicious gossip about scandalous events or actions.
Oybek atrofida yuz berayotgan mashmashalar hech kimga sir bo‘lmagani holda, tergovchi nima uchun yana bu masalani eslayapti ekan? Manba: Tohir Malik, Ozod inson haqida qo‘shiq |
Moreover, he felt certain that Yashvin, as it was, took no delight in gossip and scandal, and interpreted his feeling rightly, that is to say, knew and believed that this passion was not a jest, not a pastime, but something more serious and important. Manba: Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina |