O‘zb: Ikki o't orasida qolish
Eng: Between the devil and the deep blue sea


Bir xil darajadagi ikki holatdan birini tanlashdagi ikkilanish; bir qarorga kelolmaslik


Dilemma; to be in a difficult situation where you have to choose between two equally unpleasant courses of action 


Holbuki, bu Qumariq voqeasi uni ikki o‘t orasiga tashlab qo‘ydi: bir tomonda haqligi ochiq ko‘rinib turgan fuqaro, xalq: bir tomonda — puli qo‘p, obro‘lik katta boylar.

Manba: Kecha va kunduz, Cho'lpon


Between birth and death carbohydrates and
Cholesterol-free either/or love and its myriad
Unreliable opposites
And ultimately after all these millennia
Between the devil and the deep blue sea as always
And I shall take the deep blue sea any way

Manba: Sandwiched in Between Two Universes, Daniel Abdal Moore