O‘zb: Bo`shanglik
Eng: Lethargy
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Bo`shashmoq, Lanjlik


Lapashanglik, energiya va ishtiyoqning yetishmasligi


Laziness; a lack of energy and enthusiasm


Qolaversa, o‘quvchilar oiladagi ziddiyatning kelib chiqish sabablariga to‘xtalishadi: cholning doimiy ish bilan bandligi, kampir hamda qizining hech bir foydali ish bilan shug‘ullanmasligi, Zumrad xarakteridagi bo‘shanglik, haddan ortiq ko‘ngilchanlik…

Manba: Ma'rifat.uz


The audience were so enraged at this unseemly behavior on the part of their host that there might have been a considerable disturbance had it not been for the judicious interference of young Pritz von Hartmann, who had now recovered from his lethargy. 

Manba: Arthur Conan Doyle, The Sign Of The Four