O‘zb: Qishloq odamlari
Eng: Country people; villagers
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Qishloq aholisi


Qishloqda tug’ilib o`sgan, o`sha yerda yashaydigan insonlar


People who live in the village


Uning muomulasi sovuqligi uchun qishloq odamlari unisobir tovuq deb chaqirishar edi.

Manba: M. Ismoiliy, Farg`ona tong otguncha


Country people understand their countryside as they understand their agriculture.

Manba: www.collinsdictionary.com

It is remarkable for the quaintness of the buildings and the picturesque costume of the villagers, who are of a singularly dark and robust type.

Manba: www.yourdictionary.com