O‘zb: Yerga ishlov berish
Eng: Land development
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Yer haydamoq


Yerga qilinadigan mehnat jarayoni (chopiq qilish, sug'orish va h.k.)


Making an area of land more useful in order to grow there plants


Ishlovi yaxshi. "qalovini topsang, qor yonar" deganlaridek, ishlovi yetilsa, shoʻr yerlarda ham paxtadan moʻl hosil olish mumkin.



Manba: “55 sentnerdan” Sh. Musayev


It would cultivate the sciences, or at least encourage them and adopt results as applied to land development, and, if necessary, the defense of the kingdom.



Manba: Mulford Stockton, A Man to His Mate