O‘zb: Xushbo`y o`simlik
Eng: Fragrant plant
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Muattar hid taratuvchi o`t-o`lanlar


Yoqimli hid taratadigan o’simlik


Sweet-smelling plants


Oq gulli xushbo‘y o‘simlik – yasminning muattar hidi dimoqqa uradi, osmonda muallaq suzib yurgan bulutlar orasidan yulduzlar xira miltirab ko‘rinadi.


Manba: Soyalar o‘yini, Hermann Hesse


On the far shore, below the formal terraces of the buildings, he planned to position fragrant plants such as honeysuckle and summersweet, so that their perfume would rise into the nostrils of visitors pausing on the terraces to view the island and the lagoon.

Manba: The Devil in the White City Erik Larson