O‘zb: Ingichka burun
Eng: Thin fine nose


Nozik va ingichka uchli burun


A thin and slender nose


Qoshi tutash kabi ko‘rinsa ham ko‘ndalang yotqan ikki qilich orasini nafis bir quyulib ko‘tarilish ajratib turaredi. ingichka burni hech bir munaqqidg‘a berishmaslik mutanosib, har zamon uyalish tabassumiga hozir turg‘an nafis irinlarining yuqorig‘i qismida sezilar-sezilmas tuklar ko‘kargan edi.

Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, Mehrobdan chayon


That refinement which he couldn’t account for, that thin fine nose and those dark eyes, the long pale face–there was something intimidating about the girl, so that if he hadn’t been excited by the great victories of the German armies, if he hadn’t been so tired and yet so elated, if he hadn’t drunk all that wine on an empty stomach, it would never have crossed his mind that he could have anything to do with her….”

Manba: “Unconquired” by Somerset Maugham