O‘zb: Kirishimli
Eng: Sociable
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Yashovchan


Har kim bilan, aralashib, do’stlashib ketaveradigan 


Willing to talk and engage in activities with other people; friendly.


Malika kirishimli bo'lgani uchun ham, qaynanasining ko'nglini topib, undan shiringina gapini ayamadi

Manba: Mirmuhsin, Chiniqish


They were a close-mouthed and stiff-necked family, who kept strictly to themselves and intermarried with their Carolina relatives, and Gerald was not alone in disliking them, for the County people were neighborly and sociable and none too tolerant of anyone lacking in those same qualities.

Manba: Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the wind